Despite all the interruptions everyone remained positive and before very long we were able to resume our ramble through the heath. Led by Adult Education tutor, Peter Walton, and Mousehold Heath Warden, Will Stewart, we were treated to a really interesting and enjoyable experience. I think I talked to just about everyone in the group, and all were agreed that it had been a rewarding day.
One of the things that impressed me was the level of prior knowledge amongst the group - and even when people didn't know something, they weren't scared to ask - which is great!
From my point of view there were so many positives from this experience - namely:
- People learned a lot of new things from Will, Peter and each other
- They were outdoors in a local green space that some people would not ordinarily visit
- We all got some fresh air and had a good long walk, which has obvious health benefits
- People were talking, laughing and listening. There was an excellent group spirit.
- Some members of the group expressed a definite interest in volunteering with conservation management tasks on the heath